Design Studio

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Design studio reflections on first person method through prototyping

Keeping track-

The first-person method of intervention involves revisiting your research, conducting experiments, gathering data from personal experiences, and considering the ethical responsibilities associated with design.

Projects conducted using this approach can provide a heightened empathetic understanding of a situation by involving yourself as a user. This is achieved through participation in activities like physical testing, prototyping, and role-playing to gain insight into the situation.

Navigating through uncertainty is an aspect of the design intervention process. Utilizing the first-person method by prototyping can serve as an effective tool for navigating unknown territory while maintaining a structured research approach.

Prototyping has several roles in research, and which one you use depends on the type of project you're working on. One role is using prototypes to collect data hands-on. Another is when prototypes become physical versions of your ideas. A third is when prototypes are used as means of enquiry. The fourth role emphasises that design research typically includes making prototypes, making prototyping a core research method. Overall, these roles show how prototyping is a flexible tool in the world of research and design.

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Analysis of Dhrishya's modular seating system ♥️

Dhrishya developed hexagon modular furniture modules designed for students and young adults in small households. Her research method involved two main approaches: prototyping and process-based inquiry. The prototyping phase allowed her to assess proportions, ergonomics, and the interaction between modules. She also investigated the production process, determining the ideal shape for mass production, selecting suitable materials, estimating material quantities, evaluating transportation costs, and identifying potential manufacturing industries. This extensive research informed the development of her final prototype.

Applying the third role, where research prototypes embody conceptual ideas:

I employed her pieces of furniture as a solution to address social challenges within the city and initiate discussions through the prototype. This concept was manifested in a cluster of small interlocking cardboard pieces that could be both interconnected and used individually. The modular system, when presented and accessible, served as stimulation for conversations among people on the streets regarding more significant issues. Furthermore, this modular system could empower the community by providing physical spaces where they can collectively address community concerns and facilitate knowledge sharing.

My own experience

In this reflection, I will discuss the central roles of prototyping and other design activities within my current context. In the past, I've employed the first-person method, primarily through prototyping, to investigate specific topics. Prototyping has become a natural part of my design practice.

First person method and and person fourth method
I explored 3D printed mesh systems by prototyping with PLA and TPU, using first-person method. The objective was to assess the characteristics of the system.

Through a trial-and-error approach, I experimented with various aspects, including the optimal ring size, shape, system rigidity, printer settings, and sought information online for guidance. The mesh, initially rigid (made from PLA), transformed into a flexible structure.

During these experiments, I also investigated options for repurposing failed PLA prototypes. I discovered the possibility of sending them back to the manufacturer for mechanical recycling, where they are melted back into filament. Additionally, I considered home composting, although its effectiveness may vary based on specific conditions.

Role 2- For now, I don't really have an example for role 2.

Role 3-Hairbrush made out of rope. A spoon made out of metal filament. These objects were created to illustrate how objects could become unusable through their materiality.

Role 4-The project was structured around the idea of adding an element to the concrete creating a new possible system. Concrete was mixed with glass panels to understand how light penetrates the prototype. The whole process was documented and the focus was on how it was made rather than the outcome. 

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13th of November- talk with Tomas

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20th of November- talk with roger

After today's design studio class I was a bit lost. We are discovering a lot of different topics threw these past weeks that made me reflect on my design studio map. 

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