Micro Challenge 1

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Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder


The first micro-challenge marked my initial exploration into harvesting electricity from various alternative sources of power. Experimenting with a Peltier device to harness energy was a journey that initiated reflection on several points: the realisation that if using this device were easy, it would be widespread; the opportunity to deepen my understanding of electricity; grasping the components involved in energy harvesting; exploring the concept of repurposing devices intended for other uses, as described by Don Ihde's concept of "multistability"; and acknowledging the potential risks of working with unfamiliar devices.

Harvesting energy from the Peltier device proved challenging, yet it fostered creativity. Our lack of understanding regarding its operation made us do numerous tests, ultimately enhancing our comprehension of the device. It became evident early on that its power output was quite low. Naturally, if it were a potent, off-the-shelf technology, it would be more widely adopted across different contexts. This doesn't diminish the potential of the Peltier device, but it highlights the need for further investigation.

Taking a hands-on approach significantly contributed to my comprehension of the technology and electricity. Engaging in experimentation is always an effective means of familiarisation. It's worth noting that we operated in a highly controlled environment with supervision in case of accidents.

We also explored the storing the generated energy. This could be accomplished through various methods; we were provided with a rechargeable battery that could be directly connected to the Peltier device. Consequently, I acquired knowledge on using rechargeable batteries in this context, knowledge that proved valuable in subsequent projects.

Another intriguing aspect was the concept of repurposing devices originally intended for different uses. The notion of having multistable devices that can be repurposed to serve different functions is interesting. There's no necessity to invent entirely new systems when they already exists. For instance, the utilization of a pressure cooker to sterilise objects when working with mycelium, or the application of microwaves in scientific experiments, illustrates this concept effectively.

Overall, the experience was enriching, although somewhat stressful due to the risks associated with working with electricity without full comprehension of its implications. It underscored the importance of maintaining a safe working environment and the necessity of careful consideration before taking action. 

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