Micro Challenge III

Concept of the installation: Use your body to trigger a visual connection to soil quality, using data from soil sensors. The colour and shape of the visuals represent the data and is open to the viewers interpretation. You are presented with two bodies of soil with different compositions. I invite you to take off your shoes and place both feet in the soil. Take a moment to observe and understand how the properties of the two soil samples contrast with each other.

Link to repo

The conclusion of mIII, is that the strict time delivery and production in a small amount of time is fun, you get to learn a lot, especially when nothing is at stake. You’re free to explore.

I’m going to talk first of the positive aspects of this micro-challenge: for me, it’s always the human connections and interactions you create during the micro-challenge that are the most treasurable. Being helped and helping. Learning about your topic and learning about your colleagues. The MDEF class is very opened to helping others and being kind. There’s not stupid question and that’s how you learn (we’re all professionals from different fields, we have a lot to learn from each other).

The presence of female professionals during the MIII: the last micro-challenge was super cool because we had many female professionals integrated. The dynamic changes when there’s more genders, so that change was greatly appreciated. It also gives access to different perspectives of technology, and different ways of application. 

This last micro-challenge was also a bit different to the last two previous ones. It felt more centered on the idea of producing an experience for the user rather than creating an installation through our research that communicates. I don’t mind both approach, except that one of the two asks for expectations.

Overall, it was a good experience and we had loads of fun while learning a lot.

Mobirise Website Builder

Making the soil buttons that uses your body in the circuit

Mobirise Website Builder

Testing the soil sensors

Mobirise Website Builder

Testing the soil sensors with the buttons

Mobirise Website Builder

Testing random additions to the project that we didn't include but it was fun

Mobirise Website Builder

Circuit with one soil sensor

Mobirise Website Builder

Drawing the structure on rhino

Mobirise Website Builder

2D drawing of structure

Mobirise Website Builder

Getting help to correct it

Mobirise Website Builder


Mobirise Website Builder


Mobirise Website Builder

Structure is filled with soil

Mobirise Website Builder

Difference in texture of the soil

Mobirise Website Builder

Where the soil sensors are hidden

Mobirise Website Builder

Testing data from Arduino to Touchdesigner

Mobirise Website Builder

Linking the buttons to touchdesigner and the soil sensors data.

Mobirise Website Builder

Experimenting with touchdesigner

Mobirise Website Builder

Data coming from Arduino

Mobirise Website Builder

Playing around in class

Mobirise Website Builder

Playing around in MDEFEST

Mobirise Website Builder

Playing around in MDEFEST

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