Fair future group project - Dodo

During the Fair Futures seminar, we worked in groups to design a small intervention on biodiversity loss. We focused our brainstorming around the idea of giving rights to living organisms in our cities that contribute to the conservation and regeneration of biodiversity. We travelled through many ideas, but we managed to collect them all. I think the main challenge was to find ways to introduce the new platforms we discovered during the seminar into our design practice.

The intervention was framed around two scales, a large scale intervention with a dao and a smaller scale intervention with a toolkit. With these two elements we wanted to create a community for knowledge exchange about the conservation and relationship with biodiversity for artists, engineers and designers. On a smaller, more personal level, we want to introduce a toolkit that raises questions about your relationship with non-human beings in the city. Based on the principles of the honest harvest, we want to invite the user to question the active choices they make in their daily lives to improve the environment by cultivating a relationship with a non-human being.

Link to miro board - https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVN75_Ou4=/

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