Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder

In my reflective analysis, I’ve come to appreciate the significance of situating our ideas within their contextual landscape, recognising how our daily sentiments and opinions can be influenced by specific events. Initially conceptualising our subject as the 'undeniable interconnection,' our exploration on the Miro board, revealed a web of interconnected topics ranging from causal events to social values and political movements, that gave a good overview. Our research focus on 'Biological' dynamics and investigates the complex interactions among biological entities, human societies, and the environment. Through this inquiry, we gained insight into the consequences stemming from our disconnection from these intertwined systems. These consequences manifest in various ways, including the perpetuation of systemic post-colonialist attitudes, the fragmentation of identity among individuals and communities, and the adoption of unsustainable practices such as uncontrolled growth and coerced innovation. This understanding underscores the far-reaching implications of our detachment from the natural world, highlighting the urgent need for more comprehensive and harmonious approaches to societal and environmental caretaking. A concept that particularly resonated with me was 'slow violence,' clarifying the idea of invisible degradation that occurs over time to our ecosystems at a planetary scale. Identifying the invisible degradation and its causes provides an intriguing path for questioning, experimentation, and speculation on potential transitions toward more regenerative systems to halt the over-exploitation of human and natural resources, not only on a design level but also within political and governance spheres. Through collective discussion, we discerned a recurring theme: our limited understanding of our biological environment has led to a world where we attempt to manipulate biological forces, often resulting in unintended consequences, a phenomenon closely intertwined with technological advancement. By pinpointing historical junctures where disruptive technologies spurred unnecessary growth, such as industrialization and planned obsolescence, we gained insight into the complexities of our topic, fostering a nuanced understanding that transcends singular perspectives. In conclusion, our exploration has revealed the interconnected nature of societal and environmental dynamics. We've identified issues like systemic post-colonialist attitudes and unsustainable practices, highlighting the need for transition. Let's embrace this understanding of ’slow violence’ to navigate towards a future where we prioritise interconnectedness and work towards a harmonious coexistence.

AI Website Creator