Landing week

Welcome to IAAC

Welcome to my first week in I.A.A.C.

First class with Laura - introduction

Bring an object from your day to day life

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I decided to bring a tea bag for the usage I have of it in my daily life. This tea bag represents a calm moment in my morning before the rush of the day. It's a routine that I have created that grounds me. Tea also represents moments that I share with my family and loved ones. Moments where we all gather and talk.
I also see it as a drink that can have many meanings and usage in different cultures. 

Digital Fabrication

Build your own tools

On our first digital fabrication class we assembled two tables for our MDEF classroom. The plywood tables were cut with the CNC machine before we arrived. We had to separate, sand, assemble, oil and bring to the classroom each piece. It was a fun activity to share with the class.

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Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder

Elisava visit

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laia tort solsona - menstrual matter jewels: empowering self-identity

The main objective of this project is to create a collection of jewellery crafted from menstrual blood, challenging and breaking free from the taboos and stigmas that surround menstruation.

Taller Elisava

The machines

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Filming-Photography space

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Laser cut

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CNC Prototype

Poblenou visit

Exploring the Poblenou ecosystem

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La plataforma

Contemporary art gallery. Creative production studio.

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TransfoLAB BCN

Their main objective is to offer a physical space to the creative ecosystem of Barcelona, ​​focused on design, innovation, production, and experimentation with waste, the circular economy and environmental sustainability. We connect the community of makers, designers, architects, artists, students, DIY amateurs and creative enthusiasts, with the general public, an effort that results into the creation of job opportunities, the promotion of local commerce and the circular economy.

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At the Biciclot Space you can learn how to take care of bikes in a prepared space with an expert team that will train and advise you.They give abandoned bicycles a second use with the second-hand market and donations to social projects. They take the bikes to schools and institutes, with workshops on safe circulation and discovery of the environment by bicycle. At institutions and with their own programs they accompany the socio-labor insertion of young people and adults with mechanical training and pre-work practices.

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Project objective: Promote a space of convergence between residents of Poblenou, organizations and citizens, where different activities related to the environmental, educational, cultural, artistic, sports and productive fields have a place. The project is developed around a central axis, the permacultural garden (following the basic principles of ecosystems), and is proposed as a place of connection between people and their environment, working in the line of sustainability.

It is a dynamic and meeting space, in which the participation and involvement of citizens is essential, to promote the environmental awareness of users and promote neighborhood coexistence.


Fake it until you make it

'This course explores the use of documentation as a powerful tool to craft coherent and meaningful narratives about the design and development process. Rather than viewing documentation as mere administrative tasks or data collection, you will adopt a narrative approach to communicate your creative journey, design decisions, and project stages.'

Mobirise Website Builder

What I should include in my website

Website Home or Intro:
Welcome your visitors and present
your journey to them.

Present yourself, your skills, your hobys, your interests, yor habilities, contact info, additional portafolio or whatever you want people to know about you.

Final Project:
Initial ideas
3 terms (1 sub-tab for each term)
Document here about every seminar separatly. 

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