Computer numerical control (CNC)

Computer numerical control (CNC)
For this task we were given a board of 2440x1220x15mm per pair to design something for our classroom. The goal of the design was to create an artefact that would create an interactive installation in class using the body of the user. We decided to draw in rhino a volume of 1m on 70cm that could welcome the feet or hands of our user, as well as having the capacity of containing soil. Creating the box was quite easy as we all agreed on the aesthetic and the wood joineries. What was more problematic was creating the correct joinery to make every piece of wood fit. Thankfully we got help from our teachers and we got to learn a lot. When assembling the artefact we had to put a few screws in, but after that it was really sturdy.

I've learnt a lot about wood joinery and how to create more efficient models for the CNC. I think for the future I'd like to try and use grasshopper to modify the model more easily and fast. I'm not very familiar with grasshopper but as showed in class, it seems like a very good time management tool for digital fabrication. It's always good to be able to modify your model fast and efficiently, especially if I want to make variations of the same model. 

As always, it's super cool to be able to use the machines on our own (always with help ofc). It gives you the ability of using the machines responsibly but at the same time being able to express your creativity. This task definitely inspired me to use the CNC in the future. 

Model rhino
Model PDF

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Top view of model. Please find link to the model here: model

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Model with joinery and holes.

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Drawing the artefact on rhino. We defined the dimensions of the object and then proceeded to making the wood joinery. 

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We got help to correct the model before sending it to to the CNC software

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Choosing the 0.6mm drill. Screwing the board to the base.

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Cutting pieces to assemble.

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Cutting pieces to assemble.

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Sanding and assembly. We had to add a couple of screws oups.

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Prepping for the installation.

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Testing set up.

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Testing set up.

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Trying the artefact in class.

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Trying the artefact in class.

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Mdefest installation.

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